Dampproofing is the ability to seal up materials so that water does not penetrate them. An example could be if you have a balcony and a room below, you would have to dampproof the materials in the balcony in order to ensure that water does not seep through into the room below. The process of dampproofing is different for almost any job. Sometimes Damproofing is done as a coating in order to repel water but the majority of the time dampproofing in Cape Town is the process of sealing the material in order to stop water from entering and causing damage to the over-all structure of the building.
Damproofing is an important service that ensures the the building stays in good condition. If you do not make use of dampproofing, water will penetrate through surfaces exposed to harsh environments and thus cause damage to the over-all structure of the building. Often structures collapse unexpectedly, this is because regular up-keep needs to be done and is often ignored. Don’t ignore small issues before they become big problems like roof replacements or collapsing structures, instead contact us today for a quote and any information you might require. If you are new to dampproofing and would like some more information we highly recommend this article.